I can wield a quarterstaff as well as a prize-fighter, and have beaten Figg himself at the broadsword. Miss Stanley hesitated, and took first one and then another of the constituents of this costume off its peg and surveyed it. The attempt was unsuccessful. She sat herself upon the bed. net Transcribers Note: Obvious typesetter errors from the original corrected in this etext. ” She went on, with a desperate attempt to be easy and colloquial: “You see, we were rather good friends, I thought, and now perhaps it will be difficult for us to get back to the old friendly footing. You shall have a house out at Balham or Sydenham, and two servants. You ignore me! That’s not a good way to treat your only friend. “Well, I don’t think you told him as much as that, did you?” Lady Lescelles asked. ’ ‘Oh, that,’ Gerald said cautiously. Only you good ones— shirk. ” TRANSCRIBER'S NOTE: Typesetting and editing of the original book from which this e-text has been transcribed was inconsistent. The curtains which she had left drawn were open, and the electric lights were turned on. Then she went into the office.
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